DOWNBEAT (07/2014)
"Christoph Huber´s cracking drumming keeps the energy to the edge and smoothly oils the odd meters while guitarist Paulo Morello is a seamless keyboard complement who percolates every solo... Sizzling! "
"Fusion-Drummer Christoph Huber heizt dabei den Gasbrenner auf Anschlag bis das Fett spritzt."
"Ein Vertretungsjob ist nichts Ungewöhnliches, aber in diesem konkreten Fall eine äußerst extreme Aufgabe: CHRISTOPH HUBER sprang bei Panzerballett für Sebastian Lanser ein. Vertrackter und anspruchsvoller geht's kaum."
"Eine noch naheliegendere Verbeugung ist Morellos Komposition „Funky Huber“ — ein Spitzname, den der Drummer nicht umsonst trägt: Während Morello mit einem angezerrten, rockigen Gitarrensound überrascht, beweist Huber mit seinem explosiven, hoch inspirierten Solo seine Weltklasse."
It’s actually not dominated by Hammond, nor is it the organ trio one might expect, although the core is the trio of Huber, Landsberger and Morello. Rather, it’s a tight combo mixing Europeans with leading American guests on the ever-funky Freiburg-based label In+Out, still bucking the trend towards the abstract and reflective in German music issued under the jazz banner. The material is mostly swinging or funky, rendered European in the minor waltz Too Late Now and the Reinhardt tribute For Django. But otherwise it’s pretty much new-yorkais. Guitarist Morello has a lot – in tone, speed and phrasing – of Pat Martino’s hard-bop style and it doesn’t get more Manhattan than Brecker and Mintzer.Those who’ve liked organ-backed excursions by Jerry Bergonzi, dug the organ bands of Larry Goldings or Barbara Dennerlein, or just enjoy a plain funky, bluesy workout ought to find plenty of common cause in this warm, affirmative hour or so. (Mark Gilbert)
These three cats are thinking hard about organ trio work, but they are thinking about it in terms of making it funky for the future. Not your grand dad's organ trio, they pump, they swing, they don't stand still and they also add a bunch of fusion in the personages of Randy Brecker and Bob Mintzer making this a solid change of pace. Solidly played throughout, this is a smoking date for modern ears to dig. A winner throughout.
"Für die funky Grundlage sorgt Drummer Christoph Huber. Er ist der Jüngste in der Band und damit derjenige, der mit seinen Zauberhänden die Brücke zu den Hiphop-Beats der Gegenwart zu schlagen vermag.